healthy body

Massage Myth Busters!

Massage Myth Busters!

Contraindication is a long word with a simple meaning: a reason you shouldn’t receive a particular treatment, such as a massage. There are local contraindications—things like a small wound—that shouldn’t be massaged directly, but that don’t mean you can’t still get a perfectly good massage on other parts of your body. Then there are general contraindications, or situations in which you shouldn’t get a massage at all.

Tips for runners looking after their feet...

Foot care for me, is something that I have always done, but in the past year I've started going to see a professional to help me out and what a difference it has made.  My feet are very good at giving me a warning that they are not happy during a run, and in the past I have ignored it, and pushed through, only to have to deal with the mess at the end of the race.