Learn more about me, Elizabeth Bandeen, and my massage journey so far

But really, what you want to know is – will I get the best ever massage? And the answer is yes. My twitter handle and the tonnes of 5-star reviews across Facebook, Google, and the rest of the internet prove it.

I listen to your needs. I treat each client individually. You’ll leave feeling on top of the world from investing your time on treating yourself.

I’ll treat you to an exceptional massage

Hi! I’m delighted to share my story with you.

I haven't always been a massage therapist, I had a mis-spent childhood working in various cocktail bars, and restaurants eventually working my way up to management level, and then laterally human resource management. I have always had a passion for people, and love being able to facilitate a thriving environment where people can flourish and feel a whole lot better about themselves.

I finally did my first massage diploma in 2005, and I am the first to admit that in my teenage years, I was not the most attentive in school, but I made a really great mature student! Maybe it's because I was finally studying something that I held genuine passion and interest for. My first ever, ever diploma was in computer programming (cobalt, and pascal, with a mainframe the same size as your kitchen...)!

So I changed career when I was 40. Absolutely fabulous. I was made redundant from my human resources job, and now, I am finally doing the job I should be doing. There is a quote by I don't know who that says, 'find doing something you love, and you'll never work another day in your life'. This sums me up.

When I was made redundant it was awful, and when people said 'everything happens for a reason' I found it difficult to understand, but it really does make sense now.

Just as a matter of interest, the way it mapped out for me, I gained my Swedish and then Sports Massage diplomas, and then have built on my knowledge by attending weekend courses, hanging out with fellow therapists, personal study and having great pow-wows with my colleagues, and practicing a lot on my fellow colleagues too! I am very lucky to work in an environment where knowledge and experience sharing is pretty much an everyday occurrence. I do have a particular passion however for anything intricate in the head and neck area, and have a good track record for easing heads and necks that won't turn, and easing headaches.

Here is a brief list of my main qualifications:

  • Diploma Swedish Massage

  • Diploma Sports/Remedial Massage

  • Diploma Pregnancy Massage

  • Diploma in Uplifting Deep Tissue Facial Massage

  • Certificate in Orthopaedic Massage of Head and Neck

  • Certificate in Orthopaedic Massage of Lumbar Spine and Lower Back

  • Certificate in Rocktape Sports Taping

  • CIBTAC certified in massage with CBD oils

  • Certificate in Facial Cupping from Sakina De Pace, The Facial Cupping Expert

I have a varied toolkit of skills I can pull out of the bag and only draw on what is necessary to get you back to optimal health and movement. No party tricks here.

Outside of massage, I enjoy cycling, jogging just to turn my legs over, and also have a love of doing pilates and barre classes online.

I also have my own T shirt and hoodie shop online, it’s just something I have always wanted to do, so along with making my own body butters, I’ve just grabbed life by the lapels and gone for it!

Over the lockdown period I took up cycling daily, and now it’s my preferred mode of travel. Another lockdown skill was blending my own body butters, that’s what I will be using during your treatment

I have also been offering natural uplifting facial massage with I have tailor made into my Future Proofing Facial. It’s fantastic for getting rid of tension in the face and jaw .

Something else I am super passionate about is having valuable conversations about menopause and perimenopause. It is something that 50% of the nation will experience, and to sum up, my workshops and workbooks are crammed full of information that I wish someone had told me when I hit 40.

If I can help one woman stop crying because she doesn’t know what’s happening to her, then mission accomplished.

I have an online course available on my menopause page of this website. It’s 45 minutes of me with a workbook to go through as well. Lifetime access.

I think it’s super important to try and get life looking and feeling as 10/10 as it can be, and stress reduction plays a huge part in that.

Whatever you choose to do to look after yourself, remember that consistency is better than intensity. Little and often as opposed to literally killing yourself at at the gym 3 times in one week, then not bothering to go, the next.

I also love getting massage myself as I find that it relaxes me, enables me to get to that place where I can enjoy being zoned out and 'still', and then enjoy the fact that the day after, I feel so focused and energised and get through so many tasks I have been putting off forever! It's a win win situation. For some reason, if I have been procrastinating, I make decisions pretty quickly after a treatment, it just gives me that clarity and peace of mind.

Book in and find out for yourself!

Thanks for reading this, and I hope to meet you soon.
