Sports & remedial massage
Sports massage
Sports massage is a specific area of massage therapy that has been developed to enhance sports performance. Sports massage is ideal for the weekend athlete as well as the professional athlete. Sports Massage and Remedial Massage are much of the same thing. The proper term would be to describe it as Remedial Massage for Sport.
Sports massage itself can get a really bad rap, if you tell someone you are going for a sports massage they may say ‘ooh that’s going to be painful’. Not true!
If I am working on an injury or a muscle that feels stuck, there may be slight discomfort, but I sure as hell am not going out of my way to deliberately hurt a client, they won’t come back!
It’s a blend of techniques I use to ease muscles out of tension. There is not set routine or formula. Every client is individual and so is your treatment plan.
Remedial massage
Remedial techniques are incorporated into a massage treatment to help improve the range of motion, as well as deal with injuries and postural problems. Received regularly, sports massage can prevent injury and also improve recovery time from overuse of muscles after competing in an event.
Sports/Remedial Massage is a form of massage that works on releasing the restriction of deeper, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is used by many massage therapists, physical therapists, and osteopaths. When your body is tense and rigid, a superficial massage will do nothing to put things right. Instead, what you need is something that really unlocks the muscle tension. Sports/Remedial Massage works skeletally and gets into the stiff spots behind your shoulder blades, deep in the front of your hips and inside your elbows. There is very little chance of falling asleep during this massage is it is seriously intensive, but the pleasure of having the pain and tension released from your racked and aching body outweighs any discomfort.
If I need to draw on remedial massage techniques during your treatment, I will, but I will always talk you through what I am doing and why I am doing it. Deep tissue and sports method massage is not something to be endured. My massage method is effective without beating you up.
“Elizabeth is a fantastic therapist. Puts you at ease straight away, very friendly and knowledgeable.
If you hit the gym on a regular basis then Elizabeth knows all the spots to target and has some fantastic advice to give to help improve your weightlifting and your flexibility. Well worth a visit!”