This is a subject that has been on my radar for a few years now, but it's only started to gather momentum following Blue Planet 2. I really enjoyed watching parts of it, but I am total woose and can only handle so much animal trauma. Those poor bloody penguins!!!
So anyway, here is what I am being super conscious of these days, and how I am reducing waste in my own hoose.
I buy my shampoo in 2 litre bottles. It lasts about a year.
I've gone back to using bars of soap.
I use PBA free re fillable water bottles. My mum brought this one to my attention. Buying bottled water from the supermarket, lord knows how long it's been in the bottle, and all that 'stuff' seeping into the water. Did you know that the water in Glasgow comes from Loch Katrine, and has done since Queen Victoria opened up the viaduct, and last year it was reported in The Scotsman that the drinking water in Scotland was 'among the best in the world'? Nae excuse to just fill from the tap. Give it a whirl and save a wee fortune too.
I buy my vegetables loose whenever I can. I'm looking into getting a vegetable box delivered from a farm. If anyone has any ideas let me know! My sister used to live in a wee village just outside Paris, (what Hamilton is to Glasgow, that kind of distance), and market day was just the best. Direct from the supplier, wrapped in paper, all organic, no packaging, all kinds of fabulous.
I use a re usable bag going to the supermarket, and another bag to go shopping too.
My toiletries are all in Glasgow bottles, and are us unfussy as I can make them, whilst still making me look like I've just had a facelift. Needs must. My 'go to' brand at the moment is 'The Ordinary'. Give them a google. Saying 'no' to toothpaste and facial washes with micro beads isn on there too. Lush make really love facial exfoliators. Phwoah.
I also have a reusable coffee cup. It's from Greggs. I'm classy like that.
This is all I can think of off the top of my head, that I get up to!
As usual, get involved. I love your comments!