workplace stress

You do you. (Really well!).

So anyway… here we are. As I write this, we are at the end of week 10 in lockdown Scotland. I haven’t been able to work at all during this time, and although I AM looking forward to getting back to work, doing what I love, I am also cherishing this time to try to make sure that everything is in the best place that it can be, from my house and garden, to my mental health.

For those of you, who, like me are not seen as key workers and haven’t been working from home, I’m wondering what GOOD habits you’ve formed and am keen that they don’t get given up. For me, its my daily walk with a podcast, its the opportunity to have what I call a ‘15 minute win’ either in the house, my garden, or my business, that really stand out. For me, being present and not distracted, and getting through all the thins I have been putting off for a while because I thought I didn’t have time.

This lockdown time will soon be over, it doesn’t feel like it, but it will!

I’m more than aware that some of your reading this will NOT have stopped working all through these last 10 weeks and I applaud you. Everyone from energy providers, to train drivers, keeping the supermarket stocked, farmers, and our amazing NHS.

I am wondering, however, what life will be like for our corporate athletes as we venture our in the work world again? Will offices to go in phased returns in shifts? Will the open plan office be a thing of the past, and you all have ‘pods’ that you work out of? Are we moving towards a more gentle way of living where employees may actually be encouraged to work from home? I’d love your comments on this so please join in! Also, who is NOT missing the daily commute to work and losing an hour or so either side of the day? That must be lovely.

As a massage therapist, my client base is pretty much relieving back neck and shoulder tension from people sitting at work for most of the day, if you have been working from home what have you enjoyed the most about it? What do you NOT want to go back to?

My work life will certainly be different for me when I return, before I used to run my appointments on the hour 4 in a row, not any more! 15 minutes between clients will now be the norm, and to be honest I don’t know why I wasn’t do that before.

The reason for the gap is to allow for used to be my nightly touchpoint cleaning duties, to now be my hourly ones. This will actually remove a lot of stress for me, and also, give my clients more time. Thats the really important bit. Sometimes its the last 2 or 3 minutes that a client remembers the most with me, and I am looking forward to that 2/3 minutes more than ever. That feeling of having given a great treatment and seeing my clients reaction to feeling either no or greatly decreased discomfort is just wonderful.

This is just ONE of the great things to come out of this time in our lives. I’m so looking forward to being with my friends and family again, I think that we will be more present than ever in each others company. Seeing real people that you love is something to celebrate.

What the point of this post? To give you a heads up to keep enjoying the things you may have taken for granted possibly in the past. Spending time with friends and family, just ‘being’ with one another.

I wish you the best of health.


How WELL is your workplace? ( A short blog post about speaking your mind)

How WELL is your workplace?  ( A short blog post about speaking your mind)

Here I am talking about wellbeing in the workplace and actually HAVING a plan in place instead of just THINKING about it. We spend a lot of time at work. What dent could you make in the wellness at work conversation? Go on. I dare you.