More Tales from the Lockdown Lone Ranger

Milky Way addiction is now a ‘thing’ in my hoose.

I have now made the mistake 2 weeks in a row, of buying the mini ones thinking, its ok, I’ll make them last. Aye right!!

I do hope this blog post find you as well as you can be, under the circumstances. I’m writing this on a Sunday, with a coffee sitting a safe distance away from my laptop, and its all a bit Radio 6 around here. Marvellous.

We’ve just come through week 5, going into week 6. Whats new and improved? A big thing for me has been moving my desk. Previously, I did all my desk work and writing in my spare room, then I got to thinking about changing things around and its all kind of fabulous. I have now moved my desk into my bedroom (its big enough) AND it faces west, so apart from having to take the blinds down a bit by 3pm, its much more roasty toasty and I get to look out onto my garden which is looking manicured within as inch of its life. I normally would be the first one to say get tech out of the bedroom but it feels ok. I’m waking up, firing up the coffee machine, then, instead of going back to bed and ‘doom scrolling’ through social media, i’m going to desk and making a list of what I want to do that day/week. Obviously I can’t work from home, but I CAN write my blog posts, come up with ideas for my business, and write my book about menopause.

I have just put a post on my Instagram page @bestevermassage about a book that has really helped me called ‘How to Bullet Plan’. It looks harmless on the outside until you dive in and realise how easy it is. I’m the kind of person who gets results from writing things down and marking them off, this is a game changer. Seriously. It’s written Rachel Wilkerson Miller if you are not on the ‘gram.

So anyway, back to the Milky Ways. One thing I have been super conscious of is not trying to present this ‘everything’s great’ kind of blog posts, or making my life seem magical, I mean normally it is kind of special. I do a job that I love, I get great banter from my clients and love the results that I get, but this is just so different.

Its not perfect at all! Who wants perfect? I don’t learn from that. Yes my garden looks ace and its keeping me sane having an outside space, everything has been collated and tidied out within an inch of its life, but I haven’t seen my boyfriend in 6 weeks, and my family for about the same amount of time. I do have friends who drive to my house on the way to the shops and we speak, me on the pavement and them in the car. Thank you Justin and Belinda. It’s nice to see humans. On top of that I am getting good at zoom calls too.

So what the point of this post? Not a lot really, just a way of reaching out and saying hi. I’m excited about getting stuck back into work when I can get back but I am also enjoying this time, getting to grips with tech things I would normally run away from, and its really making me think about HOW I spend my time off.

I do wonder what the workplace will look like for many of my clients when we all get back to work. Will I have to wear a mask to treat? Will companies possibly start having shifts for their employees? 2 days in the office and 3 and home, then the reverse for the next week, and the offices are only half full? I have a funny feeling that the janitors and cleaning staff are going to viewed like the demigods that they actually are. If you want to know anything thats going on in a business, speak to the janitor. It’s the same as the lollipop men and women know everyone in the community. All the gossip.

Anyway! I have a zoom call to tackle next today. I WAS supposed to be running my 2nd menopause workshop today. I have turned the course into a webinar, and a good friend is going to do a dry run with me today to see how it looks and sounds.

As usual, I love the feedback, get involved!

Be well.

Elizabeth x