This is just a short post, but necessary I feel.
August 31st 2021 and wow, I don’t know about you, but I am certainly getting whiplash off certain areas of my life, and watching the news is a tough shift to put in. I don’t think there’s enough empathy to leak out of one person for heal what’s going on, in all 4 corners of the globe right now. Natural disasters and man made disasters are seeming to abound at present.
I don’t know about you, but I have definitely been up in my head quite a lot, and have been over thinking just about everything just now.
Football, Wimbledon and the Olympics have all been the most amazing distractions recently, and it’s been so joyous to celebrate human achievement. The start of August just felt so joyous and hopeful, then, hands up if there was a full moon? Crikey. I only found out after the event, but boy oh boy did I feel it on it’s way.
Endings, beginnings, surprise announcements, and a reminder about boundaries. The 3rd week of August had it all.
There are 3 things that we can try to do every day, as humans to help cope with the whiplash that we are getting off life at the moment.
Get out of your head and do something practical - Doodling, gardening, out for a walk, wash the car. Do something that uses your creative side.
This is going to sounds weird but: Make a list of all your worst case scenarios, and I mean really go for it, then make a list of what you would do to deal with them. That way, heaven forbid any of them actually happen, you actually know what you would do.
Realise that a bad thought doesn’t have to equal a bad day, or that a bad day doesn’t mean you have a bad future. With everything that we are coping with over the last 2 years (nearly), I personally can’t remember what I was worrying about in 2019. I really really can’t. Life will get better for us. There are moments of beauty to be had every day whether it be getting a text message from a friend, or getting hanging basket envy from someone who lives down the road. OK not so joyful there but Betty at 156 does knock it out of the park every year with her hanging baskets and it’s something to aspire to.
The most important thing you can do for yourself right now is eat as well as you can, with as much fresh fruit and veg in your diet as you can, and drink water to keep yourself in the best shape possible to meet life head on with both feet squarely planted on the ground.