Elizabeth Bandeen

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Corona Virus Update as of 21st March

First of all, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really do hope you are all as well as you can be under these exceptional circumstances.

Second, I have had the most amazing messages of support, including one couple who have bought gift vouchers from me ‘to keep the pennies coming in’. I cannot believe that in this time of great stress for people, I am being considered this way, very humbling.

I closed my diary on Friday, and I was OK until I went in to pick up stuff from my room, thats when the ugly crying started. I have some amazing facial products there and there was NO WAY I was leaving them there doing nothing! Expect to be bored by my videos of at home facials on Instagram, and other stuff I will get up to with a bit more time on my hands. I will really miss being in my room, and really miss seeing my clients but bear this we must. I’m sounding like Yoda now.

I have bought some indoor plants for ma hoose, and I am tasking myself to keep them alive as I am normally rubbish with plants, cheeky wee project to keep me going and nuture too. Also, I do currently have 3 courses which I have bought on Udemy (further learning website), so I will be cracking on with them too.

I am self employed and last year I took 2 weeks holiday, and a couple of long weekends. I am just looking on this as taking my holidays all in one go.

I will keep this post short, but if you can bare a few things in mind. Be mindful of where you get your information and news from, be mindful of what you share, and if you are feeling anxious please talk to someone about it, especially important if you live alone. I think I’ve called my Mum 3 times today but then again that is quite normal for me.

One thing is very very different however, sometimes when I am speaking on the phone, I am multi tasking and emptying the dishwasher at the same time, or scrolling through whats on TV. We just do that don’t we? It’s very very different now. Who ever I am speaking to has my FULL attention. Does that resonate with you?

I have many many self employed friends and business owners in absolute tears about what is happening, and of course how it has affected their business. I was upset because my job gives me my sense of purpose and like many others I am expecting to have feelings of being cut loose. Please watch out for those feeling creeping up on you, unless you now have mission control set up in your living room of course and you are working from home!

Be well everyone, and once again thank you for you support.

I really do value it.

In best health
