Corona Virus Update

Here’s an update on whats happening when you visit me for a massage. I am not going to add to anything that you don’t know already, and I just want to reassure my clients on my processes.

I am being very mindful, and am keeping up to date with current news about our public health.

Here’s what is happening and how I am looking after my clients when they visit.

As a massage therapist, and also being part of the The Glasgow Treatment Rooms, and as a team we have daily criticals that we do when it comes to cleanliness in general. These have now turned into HOURLY criticals.

I am reducing the amount of touchpoint surfaces that a clients comes into contact when they visit, and with the exception of the toilet door, I am opening all doors for clients, and sanitising the taps, toilet flush, and door handle and lock as part of my clients change over.

As a clinic we are inviting our clients to wash their hands or entering, and also leaving the clinic, and just now I am not offering a glass of water after your visit so please bring your own water bottle to refresh after your appointment. The reason I am doing these processes is just so that people feel safe and secure when visiting.

All my linens and pillow cases are fresh for every client visit.

These are my processes I am following to keep myself and my clients health at the forefront of my practice.

What I would ask of my clients is:

If you have been advised to self isolate, please don’t make an appointment. Thats it.

I am asking my clients to use oodles of common sense right now, if you have been advised by a place of work to self isolate, then please do so, and limit your social contact. If you have a stuffed up nose and just feel crap, please don’t visit til it has cleared up. If you feel like you have a cold, because on top of everything else, this is cold and flu season, then please don’t come in, and stay off your work too!

Here is another thing though, look after your mental health too. If you are the type of person who feels anxiety anyway, then this uncertainty of not knowing what is next will most likely be making you feel very unsettled.

I am not going to lie, I have been in tears about this a few times just because, like many people, I have been overdosing on news and getting over whelmed. What has REALLY helped in the last few days has been speaking to people about it, in particular, my family and good friends, who have eased my mind and made me feel a lot better.

The media are very good at making us feel like it is the end of the world.

I had one client last week who commented ‘I miss Brexit’.

This is serious, it really is, but please be aware that there are posts doing the rounds on Facebook that are absolute rubbish, please don’t let Facebook be the place that you get your health updates.

Please be mindful, please follow the guidelines set out by your place of employment if you work in an open plan office and just use common sense.

If anyone has any concerns about their visit please email me on

One last thing, if you know anyone who is self isolating, or maybe its you, facetime people, do skype calls, don’t shut yourself off, make mate dates on facetime. If you haven’t heard from a chum for a while, check in on them.

I am in good health. Its my intention to help you stay the same.