Give me aaaaaall the food. I’ve been thinking a lot about what ‘eating clean’ means. I seriously have no idea, but, does that mean that all other food is dirty? What do you think?
Headspace! What to do when you literally have a pain in the neck.
What to do about it when something is literally doing your head in. Many things can cause headaches, from sitting a a desk all day, grinding your teeth, or possibly you are due to have your eyes tested? There’s simple stuff you can do at home to help yourself out until your next appointment with me.
How to be ROUTINELY happy. (Give it a whirl...)
It really is all about YOU! (Do what feels good)
Sometimes the problem is not THE problem
The ultimate power couple: You and your massage therapist
I'm writing a blog and I DO have time for it.
The truth hurts, but also, the truth will set you free!
Smashing the Toxins Myth!
Here I am talking about overdoing it on the cake front (2 big birthdays in my family in the last month), and eating butteries in Aberdeen with reckless abandon. Am I doing a detox? Nope. I’m just ridding my body of the pollutants its built up as a result of the sugar rush and carb fest, by really dialling in on my eating habits and the amount of coffee I drink.