So, this is what I thought I knew for sure.
I thought I was drinking at least 2 litres of water a day. Eh Nope. More like just over 1 litre if I'm lucky! I have been doing a lot of reading into water retention and dehydration, and my big heads up was that if you are dehydrated, your body will hang onto all the water that it can with a vengeance. Also, get smart about how much salt you digest every day, which is quite a challenge because there is salt in everything! Guilty culprits of holding a lot of salt are to name a couple, crisps, and any kind of processed food. In another blog I'll tell you how I managed to put myself off take away burgers... ooft. What happens if you consume food daily with a lot of sodium, water clings to it and lurks around apparently under the surface of your skin, and can make you feel bloated! I will put my hands up and say yes I know that I was dehydrated but the sodium thing is going to take a bit more investigation as I do actually cook from fresh every day! (but I do love peanut butter and sun dried tomatoes..... oh oh)
So this week I have been upping the ante, and aiming for just over 2 litres a day and what a difference it's made! My jeans feel looser, the skin on my face has brightened up, and that horrible bloated feeling I have been battling for months has all but gone. All that, and I am sleeping better too!
Here's what I have been doing to try and make my water a bit more interesting... fill up my water bottle, leave a bit of room, put in a splash of cranberry juice, and a splash of fresh lemon juice. Ding Dong. Really refreshing....
So I am one week in on my water story, I'll keep you posted with my progress.
By the way I am not weighing myself, I am using my jeans as a guide! Be nice to yourself during any process where you are making a change to your lifestyle...
In Best Ever Health