My most googled subject.

Todays blog post is brought to you by the most googled search term when finding my website over the last month, which is:

Do I need to wear a face mask/covering during massage?

The answer is yes.

You can read my guidance on the front page of my website.

This has given me an extra challenge when it comes to treating my clients, as I have to rely on tone of voice and language being used as my guidance for how a clients feels before their treatment and afterwards too!

I am quite good at reading people from their facial expressions but now we only get to see half of each others face, it’s a skill I have had to up the ante on!

I encourage my clients to give me guidance, and I have to be very specific about our treatment goals as everything has to be verbal now, so if you are an existing or a prospective client, please feel free to jump in with feedback or give guidance during the treatment of ‘a bit more on the neck please’ for example.

I don’t know about you but I find myself doing a double handed wave to shop assistants when I walk in, just to give them some recognition.

I think it makes a difference to feel noticed when whilst we are living an edited life at the moment, when feeling some kind of recognition is important.

As a society, we have moved from complimenting people on their shoes to omg where did you get your face covering from? Unless of course you are wearing trainers. I will always compliment funky trainers.

I wear a face covering for up to 7 hours a day, the trick is to find ones that are super comfortable and don’t slip down over your nose. For me the Liberty face coverings are a winner, super comfy, and they wash really well.

Thats my suggestion anyway!

I hope that you are as well as you can be under the circumstances, and that you are remembering to do nice things for yourself every day, whether it’s a double cleanse after wearing a face covering all day, or even just taking the time to read a book.

Onward everyone. Fluffy socks at the ready.