The best thing I have discovered this month...

Wow wow wow.

So, in my quest to just feel a whole lot better about myself in person being in my 54th year of life, I have been big into reading about menopause having gone through it, all the hormonal changes that occur, and the different way that my body now reacts to some food groups, exercise, and vitamin supplements.

When I was at my absolute worst with menopause symptoms, i would leap frog from one exercise routine to another, one diet plan to another, spending an absolute fortune on supplements, but non of it really making a difference, or making much sense.

Non of it making any sense at all until I discovered Pippa Campbell.

If you a are a woman reading this, or live with one, please give yourself a break you need by diving deep into all the information you need on how to fuel yourself from the age of 40 onwards.

The biggest and best thing I have discovered is that vitamin B complex is the superhero supplement that I needed to make everyting feel a whole lot better and a whole lot settled.

I am sleeping so much better since I started taking it a week ago, an interesting side effect is that my pee looks like a alchopop drink. Luminous green!

I am taking vitamin B to help me with insulin resistance, which I have recently been diagnosed as, and to help keep the menopausal munching at bay.

It really is a psychogical fact that a person can become addicted to that feeling full feeling being the norm, and if the brain doesn’t feel like the stomach is full, it can just bring on munching for the sheer hell of it.

Sometimes I really do have to have a word with myself.

What supplements do you take that have just proved to be winner winner chicken dinner? How did you find out what wors best for you?

Thanks for reading!

Elizabeth x