This week I have been thinking A LOT about menopause in the workplace, and particularly in the corporate or retail world.
Menopause and it’s related symptoms absolutely kicked me in the pants when it was at it’s worst, but I realise that I was lucky enough to be self employed and in charge of my own schedule and how hard, or not I worked. I didn’t have to juggle other egos or personalities whilst going through it.
Over the last week, there has been discussion about whether women in menopause should actually be labelled as disabled, and quite frankly I have an opinion on that.
I may not always be self employed, and will most likely be working til my mid 60s in age. I certainly don’t want my age or my hormones to be given a disabled sticker!
I really can’t get on board with that at all, and that’s coming from me. I had possibly the toughest time ever mentally and emotionally going through menopause, but I actually feel stronger for it in so many ways coming out of the other side.
So how do women in menopause look after ourselves at work?
Be honest with yourself and don’t hide how you feel.
Light layers that can be added to or removed when needed.
A water bottle at your desk and possibly a wee fan, and bollocks to anyone who complains about the fan (this has happened to women I know)
Watch out for food or drink triggers that can make you feel worse
Put up a Do not Disturb sign on your desk. I seriously think if I was in an open plan office I would seriously do this.
If someone asks you to do something urgent when your day is jam packed, as them to define ‘urgent’. Some people think urgent is within 60 mins, others 2 days…
So what about what your employer can do for you?
First of all, I would let them know what your boundaries are, and go through the list above with them. Let them know what you are doing.
Here is my surprising take on all this, what your employer should be doing is… looking after everyone.
When employers look after everyone, they look after women in menopause. It shouldn’t really be singled out from how everyone else gets treated. Radical huh?
Why do I say that? Burnout is huge in corporate athletes right now. Yes there is the work from home vibe going on which is working out for a lot of people but unfortunately this has put many employees into being in contact 24/7 and the expectation that goes with that.
I am personally seeing and hearing many more stories and symptoms of burnout when clients visit me, and workplace bullying too. I am still astounded at how unhappy some people can be in a workplace. It really isn’t surprising at all when I am also hearing a lot about ‘restructuring’.
So, looking after everyone, means that you look after women in menopause as well.
There is no point in just focusing on a group of people at a mentally and emotionally challenging point in their lives, when burnout is all around them with others.
How about not just having a menopause friendly badge on your website, but employee friendly as well?
Let me know your thoughts.