I'm just a girl who CAN say no... | Elizabeth Bandeen

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I'm just a girl who CAN say no...

Do you ever agree to plans, or take on an extra piece of work, and it feels like you’ve just said YES on behalf of someone else?

Have you ever said YES to a social arrangement, then realised later in the day that you have double booked yourself and then you are torn between who to let down or can you fit it all into one day.

One thing I have noticed with my clients (and sometimes myself) is that downtime is not downtime anymore, and in some cases virtually non existent, which goes hand in hand perfectly with stress levels being increased.

Here are some phrases I would love love love you to put into practice if any of this is ringing a bell.

‘Can I get back to you on that?’

Let me double check my diary’

Sorry I already have something planned that night/day/weekend’

or, if you are in the workplace:

‘Sure I can do that super duper important thing that you needed done 10 mins ago and make that the priority. What project would you like me to give up to fit it in?

I sometimes find myself in situations where I really want to catch up with a chum, and I say, are you free this weekend for a coffee or lunch, and they literally can’t fit me in until next year!

Don’t get me wrong, I love having things in the diary to look forward to, but when does doing too much become too much?

When was the last time you really really had a day off?

Being self employed taking time off can be a bit of challenge, I’m nearly always thinking about my business, but just recently, I have become super duper good and not looking at my laptop on a Sunday.

When is the next time you are having a day off? Is it really a day off? If you are parent, a day off is bundling the family into the car, wellies in the boot, and just don’t bother with Facebook or your phone. It’ll all be there the next day, but you have my permission to say, I’ll get back to you later, i’m having a day off, or whoever I am physically with has got my full attention.

Spend time with people who make you forget your phone is in your jacket pocket

Oh, and another thing, whatever you arranged first is the priority. Don’t be the person that tries to fit everything in. How exhausting!

And relax.