Elizabeth Bandeen

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Hip Hip Hooray!

So anyway, this past month, I have been reading quite a bit about how trauma and stagnant energy can be trapped in the hip area, and law of attractions means that all of a sudden I am hearing a lot of my clients saying how tight and uncomfortable their hip area has been!

This can be caused by any number of factors, and not knowing anything about the reader (you), I can safely say that top of the list is staying in a seated position for too long.

Here is a good article here to get stuck into.

So what does it look and feel like if your hips have stagnant energy trapped in them? For me, as a massage therapist, I can see how my client walks, possibly hunched forward, not using their pelvis properly when they are walking. What does that look like? Watch yourself walking towards a mirror. Your hips should have a lovely natural sway to them. Tightness is that area can mean forward motion and nothing else.

It sounds a bit airy fairy doesn’t it? Trapping negative emotion in your hips, but I encourage you to spend a couple of days trying out any hip opener movements, and then check in with yourself to see how you are feeling.

Here’s a good video to follow along with here . It’s only 15 minutes, so instead of scrolling on our phone, click on this link and follow along!
