Elizabeth Bandeen

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Shoulda woulda coulda

So anyway, how are you all?

We are one week into ‘lockdown’ measures, and, like many others, I have managed to cram quite a lot of worrying into one week. If this was just me taking a week off work, and catching up with stuff in the house, and errands etc, I wouldn’t be thinking anything of it, the big difference is, being surrounded by news, social media, and not seeing anyone outside the household is anything but normal.

I’ve heard a few comments about getting used the ‘new normal’. Naff off. There is nothing ‘normal’ about anything going on, but is has only been one week. I am especially concerned about people working from home, and being expected to behave as if its business as normal. I appreciate that in times of chaos, its important to stick to routines and ‘keep calm and carry on’, but if you are working from home, and have 2 kids to keep occupied and home schooling too, then that is anything but! Hats off to you, if you are trying to work from home, AND home school as well.

I really do hope you are all as well as you can be under the circumstances, but if ever there was a time to learning to gently speak your mind and make sure your employers aren’t expecting unreasonable results, its definitely now. Be gentle and kind with yourself.

So what am I up to?

I’m fine. My flat is very tidy, and I am trying not to apply too much fake tan.

As I said earlier I have crammed a lot of worry into one week, but I have also crammed a lot of stuff into it, that I have been meaning to get done for ages!!! Which brings me back to the point of my post title.

Shoulda Woulda Coulda!

A very big if, but IF lockdown measure were magically lifted on Monday, what you wish you HAD done in this time?

I make a plan every day, and I am doing my best to stick to it. Studying in the morning, exercise, then something more practical in the afternoon, and thats pretty much it.

This will never happen again (I hope), but I am determined to have something to show for it, to have achieved something that I have delaying over doing, or procrastinating too much.

Be well everyone, be mindful, and be mindful of where you are getting your news from. I find that how good I feel depends on how far away I am from my phone at present.

Lets all try and turn these trying times into something for our own good, whether its just your own good, and the good of your community, or you have decided to volunteer. This will be the time when someone in the future may say to you:

‘What did you do during the lockdown?’

Whether it’s just keeping your parents pantry stocked, helping out a neighbour, painting your garden fence, or, my my case right now, finding out I have a bloody moose loose aboot ma hoose, do what feels good.

We really ARE all in this together. We won’t leave you behind, even if it feels like it. Promise.